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Lose weight this summer with acupuncture

summer-beach-05272014One of the vexing aspects of the approach of summer is how you can obtain your “swimsuit body.” While the winter months, especially around the holidays, are a time for putting on some weight, the summer months are reserved for strenuous activity, especially on the beach. continue reading »

Acupuncture Has Been Found to Treat Migraines

migraine-051214-smPeople who suffer from regular migraines know what it feels like to be in pain.  Many people just look for any over-the-counter medication to help take the edge off.  Others go to a neurologist for consultation and advice and prescription pills. What if a migraine could be effectively treated without the need for pills or costly specialist visits?  The good news for migraine sufferers is that acupuncture has been found to treat migraines, and is an affordable and worthy alternative to medicines and other potential treatment plans. continue reading »

Eight Ways To Boost Your Immune System

immune-system-closeupThe ultimate goal of health care is not simply to avoid illness, but to have an abundance of health. If abundant health is a goal of yours, consider how to strengthen your body’s natural defenses.

You can get started on this path today with these Eight Ways To Boost Your Immune System continue reading »

Can You Use Acupuncture for Weight Loss?

weight-loss-03102014Everyone is looking for the secret to weight loss, without falling victim to the latest gimmicks. With so many different opinions about how to lose weight, it can be difficult to tell what will really work.

Fortunately there is a technique for weight loss that has been tested for centuries:  acupuncture.

This technique is safe, sound and reliable. And, even more exciting, using acupuncture for weight loss helps you lose weight in several different ways. continue reading »

The Definitive Guide to Chronic Fatigue and Alternative Treatments

sleepy-owlChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mysterious condition. There is no known cause. While the symptoms can be debilitating, there is no test to diagnosis it. Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with CFS. And most sufferers are between 25 and 45 years old, although there are cases in childhood and middle age.

Some people with CFS live active lives while 25% of the cases are disabled. Sometimes the disease is persistent and other times there is a pattern of relapse and remission. No one knows how many cases there are of CFS because The CFIDS Association of America estimates that fewer than 20 percent of CFS patients in the United States have been properly diagnosed.

CFS has several names. It is called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS).  No matter what it is called, the most effective way to manage chronic fatigue is with alternative treatments. continue reading »

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