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Alternative Treatment for IBS

peppermint-tea-1109Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disease suffered by an estimated 25-45 million people in the United States. Symptoms include chronic abdominal pain, bloating, excess gas and irregular bowel movements. Symptoms can be brought on by a number of triggers including anxiety, insomnia and stress. Although there is no known cure to IBS, there are numerous alternative treatments to prescription medication that can help relieve symptoms. continue reading »

5 Powerful Health Effects Of Olive Oil

Photo: Daniella Segura
Derived from the fatty liquid of pressed olives, olive is a versatile substance that’s loaded in nutritional value. Just a single tablespoon has 10 grams of monosaturated fat, 1.4 grams ofpolysaturated fat, vitamin E, and other other key nutrients. While most people consume it for its delicious flavor and smooth characteristics, olive oil has surprising health benefits when consumed on a regular basis. continue reading »

Ways To Ring In The Chinese New Year


Part of celebrating the Chinese New Year (February 19) involves cleaning. Traditionally, homes are cleaned before the New Year, but sweeping and dusting isn’t done until the third day after New Year out of fear that good fortune will be swept away. The floors can be swept, starting by brushing the dust and dirt towards the middle of the house or building. Once the debris is piled into the center, it’s moved to the corners where it remains until the fifth day, at which point it can be thrown out. continue reading »

Juicing vs Blending: The Great Health Debate

green-456839_640Adults who need 2,000 daily calories to maintain a healthy weight should eat 2 cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables per day (a total of nine servings). According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, only 14% of adults consume the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables (source). That’s a shockingly low number that should serve as a wake-up call to people everywhere.

If you struggle to achieve to consume the recommended amount of vegetables and fruit, you should consider investing in a blender or juicer. Juicing and blending are both excellent ways to include more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Now for the million dollar question: which method is better for your health. continue reading »

5 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Addiction

sugar-cubes01Are you addicted to sugar? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the American Heart Association  (AHA), the average American consumes a whopping 89 teaspoons of sugar per day – about 3-4 times more than the recommended daily allowance.

Sugar adversely affects the body in a number of different ways. It increases a person’s chance of developing diabetes, promotes tooth decay, contributes to fat accumulation and subsequently obesity, and weakens the immune system. continue reading »

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