- Tao Of Health5239 47A Avenue
Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1H1403.896.9726 Hours: 9am - 9pm, Monday - Friday
Sticking to your New Year’s Resolution: The Trick is Not What You Think
It’s New Year’s again. It’s time to make a resolution.
And you know the drill. You set goals. You work on them for a couple of weeks. You begin to flag.
Many times you give up by February.
Your New Year’s resolution becomes a distant memory until the next New Year’s when you feel slightly guilty and begin the whole process again.
If each year you make a resolution and each year you break it, something has to change. The only way this year can be different is if you do something different.
The trick is not changing your resolution. The trick to achieving your resolution is to use an entirely new plan to reach it. continue reading
Interesting Ways to Help Your Kids Exercise in Winter
It’s cold and dark outside.
You come home with the kids and all you want to do is snuggle on the couch.
Snuggling in winter may be fun (and I’m not going to say you shouldn’t snuggle) but your kids need something more. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), kids need at least 1 hour of physical activity—every day. And depending on your children’s school program and sports activities, they may not even get close.
There are many benefits. Exercise helps kids feel less stressed, have higher self-esteem, focus at school, sleep better and maintain a healthy weight. You’ve probably noticed that parenting children who get enough exercise is also easier than parenting those who don’t.
Winter is a time for yin activities. It’s healthy to be introspective and quiet. However, children need physical activity—even in the winter.
But on a cold, dark day, how do you get your kids to exercise? continue reading
The Holiday Survival Toolkit: How to Not Drink at Parties (And Still Have Fun)
The holiday season is upon us and we all know what that means—parties.
Parties at work, parties at church, parties at school, fundraiser parties, caroling parties, Secret Santa parties…
It’s the season of so many parties that we long for a weekend night with nothing scheduled.
All the parties can lead to excess, but the biggest party of the season, New Year’s Eve, can be the topper. Many people drink so much that it can take days to feel healthy again. And even if you don’t drink to drunkenness, your extra alcohol intake in the month of December can take its toll.
I think it’s great to celebrate and enjoy the company of your loved ones, but I don’t want to see you sick. Find out how to not drink (or at least drink less) this party season. continue reading
6 Facts to Know When Using Acupuncture to Quit Smoking
Smoking is a strong, complicated addiction. Quitting smoking is no small task and you will need lots of support to be successful. You need the best tools to help with the physical and emotional symptoms, and acupuncture is a great resource to help you succeed.
Here are the 6 things you should know about using acupuncture to quit smoking. continue reading
More than Needles: 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies You Can Do at Home
If you asked the average person how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) keeps you healthy, they would probably answer that it uses acupuncture needles.
That is a good start.
TCM is a complex understanding of how Qi, or life force, affects your health. Qi flows through meridians passing through points which can be used to regulate and control that flow. When the flow of Qi increases, decreases or its quality changes, your health is affected. The most common way to manage the flow of Qi is with acupuncture needles.
But TCM is much more than needles.
In the second part of our two-part series “More than Needles,” you will learn three ways to keep yourself healthy using Traditional Chinese Medicine principles at home. By using these techniques in your daily life, you will be in charge of your health. continue reading